Wave research
Wave – a light cured hybrid, fluoride releasing, flowable composite with superior strength, polishability and handling characteristics.
- Flowable resins, Comparison of 33 brands; CRA Newsletter, Volume 26, Issue 10, October 2002, Clinical Research Associates.
- Wave; THE DENTAL ADVISOR, 1998, Volume 15.
- Sabbagh, J., Vreven, J., Leloup, G.; Dynamic and static moduli of elasticity of resin-based materials Department of Conservative Dentistry, Universite Catholique de Louvain, 15 Av Hippocrate, 1200 Brussels, Belgium.
- Stavridakis M.M., Dietschi D., Krejci I.; Polymerization Shrinkage of Flowable Resin-based Restorative Materials, Operative Dentistry, 2005, 30-1, 118-128.
- Chauhan M.; Case Report: An Innovative Prosthetic Technique For Space Closure in Mandibular Anterior Region, International Journal of Development Research, Vol 5, Issue 4, p. 4137-4139, April, 2015.
Flowable resins, Comparison of 33 brands; CRA Newsletter, Volume 26, Issue 10, October 2002, Clinical Research Associates.
Thirty three different brands of flowable composites were evaluated with respect to the following characteristics: flowability, low shrinkage, radiopacity, variety of colours, bubble-free, low wear, tip access, ease of dispensing, cured by all current light types, reasonable cure time, fluoride release, reasonable cost.
Wave was one of the brands with most of the above 12 desired characteristics. Wave rated highly on flowability, variety of Colour, tip access, ease of dispensing, cured by all current light types, reasonable cure time and fluoride release.
Wave, THE DENTAL ADVISOR,1998, Volume 15.
Wave is a highly recommended flowable composite for low-load restorative procedures in which esthetics and polishability are important. It received a 92% rating.
Consultants identified 6 other flowable composites as their currently used products, and 89% rated Wave as good to excellent in comparison. Ease of placement and polish as well as quality of final polish were highly rated. Wave flows well when placed in small increments, and the applicator tips allow for easy placement. The very low viscosity of Wave allows adaptation onto all surfaces. Shade designations were found to be accurate. Translucency and blend with tooth structure received good ratings. Seventy percent of consultants indicated that they would recommend Wave.
Sabbagh, J., Vreven, J., Leloup, G.; Dynamic and static moduli of elasticity of resin-based materials Department of Conservative Dentistry, Universite catholique de Louvain, 15 Av Hippocrate, 1200 Brussels, Belgium.
The purpose of this study was to assess and compare the elastic moduli of 34 resin-based materials using a dynamic and a static method.
Wave had the lowest moduli of elasticity reported. This might provide more contraction stress relaxation, and could reduce the frequency of marginal microleakage and possible de-bonding.
Stavridakis M.M., Dietschi D., Krejci I., Polymerization Shrinkage of Flowable Resin-based Restorative Materials, Operative Dentistry, 2005, 30-1, 118-128.
This study measured the linear polymerization shrinkage displacement and polymerization forces induced by polymerization shrinkage of a series of flowable resin-based restorative materials.
Wave was one of few flowable composites with very low linear shrinkage value.
Chauhan M.; Case Report: An Innovative Prosthetic Technique For Space Closure in Mandibular Anterior Region; International Journal of Development Research, Vol 5, Issue 4, p. 4137-4139, April 2015.
Case report presenting a low cost alternative for space closure in mandibular anterior region, on an immediate, interim basis in a single visit.