
The Dental Advisor, Volume 24, 2007

Go! was evaluated by 22 consultants in over 500 restorations. Go! single-dose packaging was a favourite feature among consultants. It is easy to use and has an ample volume of material for treating multiple teeth at the same time. Go! has an ideal viscosity for even coating of the surface of the preparation. The single application, without the need to scrub the liquid into the tooth surface, was noted by consultants as a key feature and time saver.

Go! received a 94% (4 ½ pluses) clinical rating!


Burrow M., Tyas M.; Report at 12 months of Go! Clinical Trial; Melbourne University, December 2008.

Go! at 12 months, of the 14 patients in which 41 restorations were inserted, 11 patients attended for recall. Two of these patients did not attend at the 6-month recall time.

From life table calculations, the revised cumulative retention rate for 6 months is 92.1% and this remains unchanged for the 12-month cumulative retention rate.


Knight G., Microscopic analysis of residual water in single component adhesives, Adelaide University, Center of Microscopy, 2006.

Materials and method :
go!TM Lot R44705  Exp. 2007-08 (SDI Limited)
G-BONDTM Exp. 2007-01  Exp. 2007-01 (GC Corporation)
Clearfill Tri S BondTM Lot 61113  Exp. 2006-12 (Kuraray Medical Inc)

Adhesives were placed on glass microscope slides for 20 second followed by air dry/air thinned for > 5 seconds, and then light cured for 10 seconds as per manufacturers instructions.

Images were taken with a compound microscope using cross polarized light to allow easy identification of residual water. Images were taken at Magnification XTBA and Magnification X TBA.



M.F. Burrow; Report on SDI Experimental All-in-One System “Go!” (Southern Dental Industries Ltd.) to Enamel and Dentine, Melbourne University.

Go! was microshear bond tested and compared with six other competitor’s adhesive systems, ClearFil S3 Bond (Kuraray), G-Bond (GC Corp), Adper Prompt L-Pop (3M/Espe), One Up Bond F Plus (Tokuyama Dental), iBond (Heraeus Kulzer) and ClearFil SE Bond (Kuraray).

Note: Due to the chemical composition of iBond, it was impossible to obtain adhesion of the polyethylene tubing to the tooth substrate surface.

Go! has the highest average bond strengths to dentin and enamel among the all-in-one systems.


Burrow M. F.; Clinical evaluation of non-carious cervical lesion restorations using a HEMA-free adhesive: three-year results

The aim of this study was to evaluate retention and marginal staining of a HEMA-free all-in-one adhesive Go! (SDI, Australia) and Iceresin composite in non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs).

At three years the overall retention rate of 85% indicates a satisfactory result for this new adhesive. Marginal staining was regarded as minimal.

Clinical Performance

Go! Step by Step, Dentistry Today, April 2007.

Go!’s step by step procedure was featured in Dentistry today with clinical pictures by Dr Geoff Knight.


Freedman G.; First Impressions – Go!; Dentistry Today, December 2008.

Dr George Freedman gives readers a brief summary of Go! based on his clinical experience.

“First and foremost, Go! exhibits high bond strengths to both enamel and dentin and is easy to apply; a single application saturating the tooth surfaces is all that is necessary.”