Riva Silver research

Riva silver 


Al-Naimi O.; McCabe J. F.; Comparing the Compressive Strength of Riva Silver GIC with that of Other Competitor Products; University of New Castle, 2005.

Purpose: T o measure the compressive strengths of a number of alloy reinforced glass ionomer cements. The method used would follow ISO9917-1:2003.

Materials and Methods: Following the “ISO9917-1:2003” standard, split moulds and plates were used to make 40 disc specimens, divided into groups of 10, (with 6 + 0.1 mm height and 4 + 0.1 mm diameter) from each one of the following restorative glass-ionomer cements (A total of 120 specimens) and following the manufactuerers’ instructions:

  • Riva Silver (SDI Ltd.)
  • Miracle Mix (GC)
  • Ketac Silver (3M/Espe)

Results: The mean compressive strengths and standard deviatio (SD) of all materials after 1 hr, 1 week and 1 month, are shown in table 1 . The compressive strength of each material increased gradually with time reaching a maximum at 1 month for Ketac Silver (178.2 + 16.5) and Miracle Mix (211.7 + 15.8 Mpa), and at 1 week for Riva Silver (204.5 + 10.3).


Testing Ketac Silver Miracle Mix Riva Silver
1 hr 97.8 (7.9) 122.6 (4.7) 134.3 (2.9)
1 day 155.4 (4.5) 175.3 (8.7) 179.0 (4.6)
1 week 163.8 (6.6) 207.6 (11.9) 204.5 (10.3)
1 month 178.2 (16.5) 211.7 (15.8) 203.0 (14.6)

Table: 1

Riva Silver had significantly the highest compressive strength at 1 hr, while Ketac Silver had significantly the lowest values at all times.