SDF Innovation: Riva Star

The Original SDF System

Drawing on 50 years of dental research experience and proudly developed in SDI’s state of the art manufacturing facility in Australia, Riva Star is a silver diamine fluoride solution system used to desensitise tooth pain immediately.

This next generation SDF treatment delivers Minimal Intervention Dentistry that adopts the philosophy of integrating prevention, remineralisation and minimal intervention.

A Star Product Containing Three Powerful Components:

A Proven SDF Solution

Riva Star is a non-invasive 2 step patented system used to desensitise tooth pain in a few drops.

Two Years Desensitising Effect

A clinical study supports the immediate effect after one application with Riva Star, desensitisation lasts for 2 years.1

Effective Biofilm Inhibitor

Studies support that Riva Star is an effective Biofilm inhibitor. Riva Star has higher inhibition zones against four bacterial species (E.faecalis, S.gordonni, S.mutans, S.mitis) compared to sodium hypochlorite.2


Immediate Sensitivity Relief

The silver fluoride and potassium iodide in Riva Star blocks the microscopic tubules that make up dentine. A low-solubility precipitate is formed that gives instant relief.

Reduce Staining

Unlike other silver fluoride systems, the Riva Star two step procedure minimises the risk of staining. By applying the potassium iodide solution (KI) over the silver diamine fluoride (SDF), a silver iodide creamy white precipitate is formed which then turns clear.

Quicker and easier treatment

SDF treatment is quicker and easier compared to invasive treatment methods. SDF treatment delivers Minimal Intervention Dentistry that adopts the philosophy of integrating prevention, remineralisation and less invasive procedures.


1 Clinical evaluation of a diamine silver fluoride/potassium iodide as a dentine desensitizing agent: 2-year follow up. Craig G G – 2014.

1. Clean teeth with prophy paste and isolate area with cotton rolls.


2. Dry area and apply a small amount of Gingival Barrier to adjacent tissue. Protect lips with petroleum jelly/cocoa butter.

3. Light cure in a fanning motion.

4. Using silver brush, pierce foil on silver capsule. In circular motion, push foil to the edge of the opening.

5. Carefully apply solution from silver capsule to treatment site only.

6. Immediately using green brush, pierce foil on green capsule. In circular motion, push foil to the edge of the opening.

7. Apply generous amount of solution from green capsule to treatment site. Keep applying until creamy white turns clear.

8. Blot dry, remove gingival barrier.

CAUTION: The material could stain teeth if incorrectly used. Patient must be informed of this risk prior to its use.

Riva Star Bottle kit
  • 1 x 1.5mL Riva Star Bottle Step 1
  • 1 x 3mL Riva Star Bottle Step 2


Riva star bottle kit
Riva Star Capsule kit
  • 10 x Riva Star Step 1 (Silver single dose)
  • 10 x Riva Star Step 2 (Green single dose)
  • Accessories



Download Riva Star brochure



 Download Riva Star Safety Data Sheet



The use of potassium iodide in Pediatric dentistry does not change the retention of glass ionomer cement on a dentin treated with silver fluoride: in vitro results (2024)

Parental acceptability of silver diamine fluoride: The UK and US experiences (2024)

Potassium Iodide’s effect on Silver Diammine Fluoride staining properties as measured through objective color analysis using CIELAB (2024)

Penetration of SDF and AgF from the infected dentine towards the unaffected tooth structure (Riva Star / Riva Star Aqua, 2023) – Queen Mary University of London (2023)

Parental acceptance of Silver Fluoride as a treatment option for carious lesions among South African children with special health care needs (Riva Star / Riva Star Aqua) – University of Pretoria – South Africa (2023)

Silver diamine fluoride and resin-dentin bonding: Optimization of application protocols (2023)

Silver Diamine Fluoride Staining With Potassium Iodide: A Prospective Cohort Study (July 2023)

Treating hypersensitivity in older adults with SDF – A randomised clinical trial (July 2023)

Riva Star Smart Protocol – (March 2022)

Reality Ratings 4.3 stars – Riva Star (March 2021)

Impact of Silver Diamine Fluoride Therapy on the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Preschool Children with Behavioral Problems after Three Months: A Pilot Study

In Vitro Study on the Influence of Silver Diamine Fluoride on the Adhesion Strength of Dental Restorative Materials

Executive summary. The Selection and Use of Essential Medicines 2021 Report of the 23rd WHO Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines

Dental Adviser Clinical Evaluation – Riva Star (February 2021)

Silver Diamine Fluoride Protocol for Reducing Preventable Dental Hospitalisations in Victorian Children. International Dental Journal. (July 2021)

Dental Product shopper : Peer to peer review Riva Star

Riva Star is mentioned in the November 2020 Clinicians Report as a product that eliminates tooth sensitivity

Effectiveness of bi-annual application of 38% silver diamine fluoride and 5% sodium fluoride varnish on primary teeth of children, in a rural setting near Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea – A randomised clinical trial (August 2020)

Shear bond strength to silver diamine fluoride treated dentin 

Silver diamine fluoride – an overview of the literature and current clinical techniques

Shear bond strength to SDF treated dentin: Poster

WHO considerations – SDF during COVID 19

Dental treatment of children during the COVID 19 crisis

SDF: A practical guide

SDF to the rescue


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Restoring Adult teeth in children

Here’s a great webinar on restoring adult teeth in children – When do you use a composite versus Glass Ionomer by Dr. Jarod Johnson.
Dr. Johnson has a private practice in Muscatine, Iowa. Dr. Johnson has received advanced training in behaviour management, sedation, hospital dentistry, trauma, special health care needs, interceptive orthodontics, space maintenance, oral hygiene and dietary counselling.
The objectives of this course is as follows,
1) Determine treatment options for permanent teeth impacted by caries or simple trauma
2) Choose the appropriate restorative material to achieve optimal outcomes in the developing dentition
3) Implement sectional matrices for Class II lesions in the posterior permanent dentition
4) Utilise Silver Diamine Flouride for minimally invasive dentistry and indirect pulp therapy

Silver Fluoride: A New Era of Caries Management


Minimally Invasive dentistry

Paediatric dentistry for the general practitioner

Dr Carla Cohn DMD

Covid 19 and SDF in emergency dental

The Global Child Dental Fund, in collaboration with the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPA) has produced seminars on the role of Silver Diamine Fluoride in emergency dental care during the Covid-19 pandemic. Chaired by Professor Raman Bedi. Two parts

How is silver diamine fluoride (SDF) transforming dental caries programmes.

An animation by Prof. Raman Bedi

CE Course

HANDS-ON Creating Aesthetic Restorations Using SDF in a Single Visit

by Dr. Ron Kaminer

CE Course

HANDS-ON Glass Ionomer and Composite Restorations

by Dr. Carla Cohn

CE Course

SDF and Redefining Dentistry
Minimally Invasive Dentistry for Pediatrics and an Aging Population

Dr. Lou Graham

CE Course

SDF and Redefining Dentistry Part 2
Creating Aesthetic Restorations Using SDF

Drs. Carla Cohn, Ron Kaminer, and Lou Graham