Your SDI Premium Restorative Kit

We are excited to provide you with an SDI Premium Restorative Kit, featuring the next generation of SDI universal and flowable composites – Luna 2 and Luna Flow – due to be launched shortly.

As a key composite clinician, SDI is eagerly interested in your feedback. Below are the links for you to complete:

  1. Your feedback about Luna 2
  2. Your feedback about Luna Flow / Luna Flow LV
  3. Submission of your clinical photos with step by step description

In addition to the exclusive new composites Luna 2 and Luna Flow, your kit also contains Zipbond Universal Adhesive, rated by Dental Advisor with zero post-operative sensitivity after 862 total uses.

Your restoration kit also includes the SDI Shade Modification Tints and Masking Agent, which can be used to mimic your patients’ unique tooth blemishes.

A big thank you for your help. We will use your feedback to continuously improve our products and services.